​"Mazes of Karradash" is a Dungeon Crawl RPG inspired by the classics of the genre published in the late 80s and early 90s.


Unlike other games in the genre, in "Mazes of Karradash" the key to complete the adventure is to develop your own village, and not just the individual character.

This means that the first adventurers are less powerful and have fewer resources available to reach the deepest level of the labyrinth and defeat the realm of shadows.

Each character can contribute to the common goal by gathering resources and gold in its exploration. The relics of the weapons and equipment that will be recovered in the maze will be used to discover new items to enhance future characters.

The game features a permadeath system; if the character dies, it's lost forever.


Each character has its own race, class and attributes. Each race pray for a different god, and every god grants a special skill (a PRAYER). The prayers have a charging time that varies according to the attributes of the character.
Races and classes are unlocked by HOUSES and SHRINES respectively. Attributes are generated with a roll of the dice; the value of the dice depends on the level of the FARMS in the village.

At the beginning of the game it is only available the human race and the only class selectable is the warrior.


Each character has five basic features:

STRENGTH affects weapon damage (Mod STR) and the ability to hit your opponent.
INTELLIGENCE affects magic damage (for SHAMAN, WIZARD, CLERIC and NECROMANCER) and the effect of some scrolls.
CONSTITUTION affects the amount of HP that are received at each level-up, the recovery rate of HP, the resistance to poison and the fatigue.
WISDOM affects the amount of SP you receive at every level, the recovery rate of SP, the recharge time for prayers and the power of the spells of some classes.
SPEED affects the turn order during combat and the ability to dodge.

By the value of the attributes depend the modifiers. These Mod can affect some elements of the game. For example: the Mod STR affects the damage of physical attacks while Mod CON affects the resistance to fatigue.
Mod Attributes table:

Attribute Value Modifier
4/5 -3
12/13 +1
14/15 +2
16/17 +3
18/19 +4
20/21 +5

By the five basic attributes and the equipment worn depend the following values:

ATTACK affects the chance to hit the enemy.
DEFENSE indicates the ability to dodge attacks.


Each class has a disposition to use the various types of weapon.
The three groups of weapons are:
1) Longswords / Axes
2) Daggers / Shortswords
3) Staves / Polearms

The value of the weapon proficiencies indicates the modifier of the ATTACK value when using that kind of weapon.


When you attack the enemy you have a chance to inflict a critical hit. A critical hit inflicts the maximum damage of the equipped weapon and an extra die of damage. The value of this die (d3, d4, d6, d8, d10.) changes depending on the chosen class. For example the thief, an expert of critical hits, has a d10 Critical die.



You can equip a weapon, an armour and a shield. To unlock new equipment, you have to find the relics scattered in the maze.
These are the attributes of the equipment:

WEAPONS ATTRIBUTES: ATK modifier, DEF modifier, SPD modifier, Minimum and Maximum damage, Bonus damage (see "blacksmith"), Poison chance % (PSN), Burning chance % (BRN).
ARMOUR ATTRIBUTES: DEF modifier, SPD modifier, Damage Reduction (DAM-).
OFF HAND ATTRIBUTES: DEF modifier, SPD modifier. The DEF value will be used as a further bonus when you use the DEFEND command in battle.


After choosing the equipment, you can permanently enhance the weapon equipped paying the blacksmith. The number of times that the damage inflicted by a weapon can be enhanced depends on the level of the blacksmith.
Before you enter the dungeon you can also offer some gold to the altar, in exchange for a blessing by the gods.



Your goal is to reach the last level of the maze and defeat the Shadow King. To do this, in each level you have to find the teleport stone that leads you to the next level. Each stone is protected by a Lord, a powerful monster.
Once you reach the stone, tap it to go to the next level. You can select the starting level with each new character, but to start from a level you need to defeat the Lord who lives there.

In the dungeon there are chests containing gold, potions, scrolls and relics of lost equipment. Often these chests are hidden behind secret walls, so be careful to detail.


You can sleep in the dungeon to recover HP and SP. Every round of sleeping you will recover a number of HP equal to 1/2 of your CONSTITUTION (+1 every Level), and a number of SP equal to 1/2 of your WISDOM (+1 every Level).

When you are asleep, you have a chance to encounter a enemy. If the enemy attacks you in these condition, you will fight with a penalty to the values of ATTACK and DEFENSE and you will be slowed down. In addition you will receive only half of the experience points.


As you explore the dungeon, you can touch the portrait of your character to open the status screen. From this screen, you can level up your character, drink potions, use objects and read scrolls.


During your exploration, you can encounter some altars. If you want, you can sacrifice your current character offering his blood to the altar. In this way you can obtains his soul, that will strengthen your next adventurer.

The quality of the improvement depends on the Level of the sacrificed character (Lesser, Common or Greater), the Class (Fighter or Spell Caster) and the purity of his soul (will be pure if sacrificed with full HP).


Combat is divided in turns. The order of turns depends on the SPEED of the fighters, the equipment and the skills and spells used. If your character has a very high value of speed, wears a light armor, a short weapon and no shield, he can even attack many times in a row.

During your turn you can attack, defend, use one of the character's skills or drink a potion. You can drink potions without losing the round.


Icon Description
OFFENSIVE COMMANDS. Some classes can choose between different styles of attack, getting modifier to hit rolls and to damage inflicted

1) STANDARD ATTACK: Use your weapon to attack the enemy.

2) PRECISION ATTACK: + 1 To hit, -2 DMG.

3) RAGE ATTACK: -1 To hit, +1 DMG.
DEFENSIVE COMMANDS. You can use a defensive command only if the next one is the enemy's turn.

1) DEFEND. You can get a bonus to DEF; the bonus obtained depends on the DEF value of the shield worn.
You can also use this command to recover some stamina to avoid FATIGUE.

2) REST. You'll not receive any defense bonus, but you'll completely recover your stamina.

3) HIDE IN SHADOWS. Only available for some classes. You can try to hide in shadows to get a damage bonus if the next successful hit is a critical hit.
The Mod SPD affects the percentage of success, the DEF bonus and that the critical damage bonus.
USE SKILL. Cast a spell or use a special attack. If you are disabled you can't use this command.
DRINK POTIONS. You can drink a potion without passing the round.
PRAY. Press this button to use the power of the god of your race. You can pray to your god only when the indicator in the lower left corner flashes. You'll have to wait a few rounds to use it again.


During the fight your character can be afflicted by the following conditions:

Icon Description
poisoned Poisoned. When poisoned, your character will lose ATK and DEF every turn.
Disabled. Your character can't use any skill while disabled.
spd bonusspd malus
Speed status. If it's green, you are faster than normal, if it's red you are slower.
ac bonusac malus
Combat Skill status. If it's green, you have a bonus for both ATK and DEF, if it's red you have a worse ATK and DEF than normal.
Burning. When burning, you will lose some Health Points every round.
The same conditions can also affect the enemy. A decrease in fighting skills is indicated by ▼ next to the enemy's name;  💀 indicates that the enemy is poisoned; ⏳ indicates that the enemy is slowed down.


By attacking the enemy and using your skills, you accumulate fatigue. Fatigue affects the sequence of turns, so try not to tire too much your character otherwise the enemy will take advantage to attack in sequence.
To regain your stamina you can skip a round by touching the DEFEND/REST button. You will lose a turn, but regaining stamina you'll have more chance to act in the subsequent rounds. Otherwise, you can drink a Rejuvenation Potion to recover from fatigue.


When you hit the enemy in succession without taking damage and without defending yourself, the COMBO counter will increases. As long as you'll continue the COMBO, you'll get a bonus to ATK and DAMAGES values.


If you have the required amount of XP you can level up increasing the maximum number of HP or SP of your character. Every 5 levels you get a "Stat Point" that can be used for an increase the 5 attributes of the character.
Increasing the levels you automatically unlock new skills according to the selected class.


As mentioned, in addition to the individual character you must develop the village of Karradash improving its facilities. For instance, new houses will host new races, while in the academy you'll can train new classes.
Other facilities will offer new upgrades; when your character dies you can use the gold found in the maze to unlock new facilities.



Power Attack Damage: 1-3 + Weapon MAX Damage + Mod STR
Kick Damage: 1-2 + Mod STR
Weakening Attack Damage: Weapon MIN Damage + Mod STR
Enemy's Combat Skill: -10 points
Fighting Stance PG's ATK and DEF: +20 points
PG's SPD: -2
Destruction Damage: Weapon MAX Damage (x2) + Mod STR
PG's ATK and DEF: +5 points
Five Slashes Damage(x5): Weapon Damage


A handful of dust Enemy's ATK and DEF: -5 points
Sprint PG's SPD: +3
Theft Steal some gold pieces
Venomous attack Damage: Weapon Damage + Mod STR
Poison chance: 100%
Backstab Damage: Weapon MAX Damage (x2) + Mod STR
Enemy's ATK and DEF: -3 points


Magic Missile Damage: 1-4 + (INT/2)
Cure light wounds Cure: 4-12 + (INT/4)
Curse Enemy's ATK and DEF: -10 points.
Holy power PG's ATK and DEF: -5 points
PG's SPD: +1
Firebolt Damage: 1-6 + (INT/2)
Burn chance: 30%
Poison Cloud Damage: 2-8 + (INT/2)
Poison chance: 100%
Thunder Damage: 3-12 + (INT/2)
Burn chance: 15%


Rage PG's ATK and DEF: +10 points
PG is Disabled for 3 turns.
Double Strike Damage(x2): Weapon Damage + Mod STR
War Cry Enemy's ATK and DEF: -5
Enemy's SPD: -1
Recovery stance Cure: 4-12 + (CON/4)
Death Blow Damage: 1-6 + Weapon Damage + STR
Desperation Damage: (MAX HP - Current HP)


Holy Bolt Damage: 1-4 + (INT/4) + (WIS/4)
Cure light wounds Cure: 4-12 + (INT/4)
Shield of Faith PG's ATK and DEF: +5 points
Haste PG's SPD: +2
Recovery Cure: 8-20 + (INT/2) + (WIS/2)
Cure Poison, Extinguish Fire.
Fists of Gods Damage: 8-16 + WIS
Holy Flame Damage: 2-12 + (INT/2) + (WIS/2)
Burning chance: 100%


Magic Missile Damage: 1-4 + (INT/2)
Firebolt Damage: 1-6 + (INT/2)
Burn chance: 30%
Thunder Damage: 3-12 + (INT/2)
Burn chance: 15%
Poison Cloud Damage: 2-8 + (INT/2)
Poison chance: 100%
Fireball Damage: 4-12 + INT
Burn chance: 70%
Tornado Damage: 6-18 + INT
Enemy's SPD: -2
Meteor Storm Damage(x5): 2-8 + INT
Burn chance: 100%


Stunning Palm Damage: 1-4
Enemy's SPD: -1
High Kick Damage: 1-2 + Mod STR
Inner Strength PG's ATK and DEF: +8
Shequan PG's SPD: +2
Recovery Cure: 8-20 + (INT/2) + (WIS/2)
Cure Poison, Extinguish Fire.
Fists of Fury Damage(x10): 2-4 + Mod STR


Curse Enemy's ATK and DEF: -10 points.
Poison Cloud Damage: 2-8 + (INT/2).
Poison chance: 100%
Ray of Death Damage: 1-10 + (INT/2)
Enemy's SPD: -1
Dark Flame Damage: 4-12 + INT
Burn chance: 50%
Poison chance: 30%
Spikes of Bones Damage(x5): 1-4 + (INT/2)
Death Scythe Damage: 10-20 + (INTx2)
Poison chance: 30%
Apocalypse Damage(x10): 1-5 + INT
Burn chance: 100%